advanced gum restore crest

Code barre : 0037000649663 (EAN / EAN-13) 037000649663 (UPC / UPC-A)

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Caractéristiques du produit

Pays de vente : États-Unis


→ Les ingrédients sont listés par ordre d'importance (quantité).

Liste des ingrédients :
stannous fluoride 0.454%... 10.14% w/v fluoride ion) uses aids in the prevention of cavities helps prevent gingivitis. children under 12 yrs. of age: ask a dentist helps interfere with the harmful effects of plaque associated with gingivitis helps control plaque bacteria that contribute to the development of gingivitis drug facts (continued) drug facts (continued) purposes directions adults and children 12 yrs. of age and older:inactive ingredients ue anticavity, antigingivitis brush teeth thoroughly, preferably after each meal or at least sorbitol, inydrated silica, glycine sodium lauryl sufute, sadium gluconate, carrageenan, favor sodum citrate, xanthan gum, zinc ctrate sodium bydroxide, stamous chiorie sodium saccharin, cocamidopropy products containing stannous fluoride may produce surtace betaine, sucralose, titanium dioe questions? 1-80-594-4158 37 toothpaste twice a day, or as directed by a dentist or physician. • do not swallow other information warming keep out of reach of children under 12 yrs, of age. if more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a poison control center right away. staining of the teeth adequate toothbrushing may prevent these stains which are not harmful or permanent and may be removed by yourde dentist distr by procter& gamble this crest is specially formulated to help prevent staining cincinnati, on 45202 0 3 p see your dentist regularly

Groupe NOVA


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